Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Term 4 Term 4

This term we have been practising for the Christmas concert, coming up next week and I'm playing Winter. We also voted for the leadership positions last Friday and I'm running for school captain, vice captain and a place in the student council. I'm really excited for grade seven and I hope I'm in the same class as my friends!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Last Friday we were going to have Gala Day but it was cancelled because of rain.

Camp is coming up and I'm really excited because we get to muck around in mud and drive buggies.

We also had book week today and me,Ella, Maddy and Riley all went as fairies. I went as Snowdrop, Ella went as Bluebell, Maddy went as daisy and Riley went as Rosehip.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For the last couple of weeks we have been doing touch,mycouches are Matt and Daniel.The people in my team are Steph,Riley,Ryan,Joel and Tom and me.

We have also been training for gala day,I'm in soft ball with Ella,Maddy and Riley,It's been really fun!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sports carnival

On Friday the 18th of June we had our sports carnival. I did the 100 and 200 meter races and the year six tug of war.Katlin and I also had to do the year 7 tug of war because there weren't enough year 7's. At the end of the day we did a competition for witch team could do the loudest walk rises and Steele won witch is the team I'm in,but Mackillop won the whole sports carnival.

Monday, June 14, 2010

On the 31st of May both of the year six classes went on a train to the Queensland State Library and the Queensland Art Gallery.When we went to the Library we got to look at old photo's and dairies.My favourite thing on display was Paula's dairy and dictionary.

When we went to the Art Gallery we looked at heaps of hats.There were some there that were really weird but of the hats were really pretty.After we looked around we were allowed to make our own hats out of paper and crate paper ,mine was blue with a big pink flower and a little black bow.I had a great day!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This term we have been doing our family history unit.
I have enjoyed this unit because it's interesting to found out about your family and who I'm related to.
The thing that I found out new about my family is that four of my relatives went to
world war two and that my family came over for the Goldrush.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This term we are learning about family and Australian history. We are making a time line on 2 create a super story.
Today we are going to watch 'the wild man' his going to show us animals and teach us about them.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

gala day

On Friday the 19th we had a Gala Day at the Beenleigh Netball Courts.I'm in junior A and I played WA and GA.In the first game we played Ormeau State School and they beat us.In the second game we played Norfolk Village and we beat them,we got eight points and they didn't get any.I had a fantastic day and enjoyed all of it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gala day :]

Last week we were suppose to have our gala day but it was cancelled because of the rain:[
This week we are having our gala day instead and we are having it two weeks in a row:]
I'm a little bit scared but excited as well I like playing GA and WA.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Last week we started swimming lessons at the Beenleigh pool,I'm in the dolphins.

We have also been practicing for netball because we have our gala day coming up soon.

My favourite positions are centre and goal attack.

Ella, Maddy and me are all doing netball together and are hoping we are in the same team!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Last week we had our swimming carnival and i did all the strokes.

I came forth in about all of the races.

This week we started our swimming lessons and I'm in dolphins!

Ella is in dolphins with me but Maddy's in sharks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

6A 2010

This year I'm in year six and my teacher is Mr Armstrong!
My best friends Ella and Maddy and they are in my class.
This year I'm looking forward to gala day,swimming carnival.